Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Denver or Bust - The GABF

We're heading out to Denver in the morning for the Great American Beer Festival. It's an interesting event, because it's where a brewery's worlds collide. Its a triple-banger, in that you have a public festival, an industry hang, and a competition all in 3 or 4 crazy days. I look forward to seeing all of our brewery and vendor friends - its always a good time and you can accomplish amazing things talking shop over a pint or ten at the Falling Rock. Or the Chapultapec. Or the Cruise Room. And yes, in case you're wondering, it IS a tough job.

We're bringing Black Tulip, Mad Hatter, Ichabod, Zoomer and Poet. A well balanced offering, if I must say so myself.

I'm feeling a little frazzled as I've spent my last week working on everything going on HERE, not thinking much about Denver. Denver won't wait though, so after a frantic morning, I'll be on my way. Wednesday nights brewer reception at Wynkoop will get it all rolling. I'll do my best to check in from the road, as I'm freshly committed to the world of blogging.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Little Daily Motivation.. Do we seek achievement motivation Daily,weekly or yearly. I have been interested in working and achievement motivation for years now. I am driven to success by the master teachers from the past. I really enjoy people like Wayne Dyer, Greg Vanden Berge and Tony Robbins. Im writing to this blog for selfish reasons, I want to see everyone live the life of their dreams. I am Living my life to the fullest and it is due to a book writen by Greg Vanden Berge . Master Goal Achiever and Author of Start Living Your Dreams Today.. A Great Book from the masters.. I hope you enjoy the book as much as I did..

12:35 AM  

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